Caring for yourself is not selfishness

Caring for yourself is not selfishness

 Caring for yourself is not selfishness
Caring for yourself is not selfishness
Taking care of yourself helps maintain an intense rhythm of life and remain a full member of society. It has nothing to do with egoism, although many of us still confuse these concepts. Behavioral Specialist Kristen Lee shares the techniques and practices that are available to all of us.

We live in an era of anxiety, and burnout is considered the new norm. Is it any wonder that self-care seems to many to be another bargaining chip of popular psychology? However, science has long proven its undeniable value, ”recalls Kristen Lee, a specialist in behaviorism.

The World Health Organization has announced a global mental health crisis and has defined burnout as a professional risk and habitual condition in the workplace. We have to give all our best, increasing pressure contributes to exhaustion and anxiety. Rest, relaxation and free time seem like luxury.

Kristen Lee is often faced with the fact that customers resist the offer to take care of themselves. The very thought of this seems to them selfish and hardly realizable. However, it is simply essential for maintaining mental health. Moreover, its forms can be very different:

Cognitive restructuring or reframing. Reassure toxic internal critic and practice compassion.
Lifestyle medicine. You need to eat right, sleep the right amount of hours, do physical exercises.
Proper communication. This includes the time we spend with loved ones, and the formation of a social support system.
Quiet place. Everyone needs to at least sometimes be away from distractions, gadgets and responsibilities.
Relax and have fun. We all need to find time to relax and take part in the events at which we really enjoy the moment.

Alas, often we do not realize how negatively stress affects our health, exactly until we get sick. Even if it seems to us that everything is relatively good, it is important to start taking care of ourselves well in advance, without waiting for the appearance of “disturbing calls”. Kristen Lee gives three reasons why this should be a regular practice for everyone.


We easily forget about ourselves when we are busy. Or we give up if we have drawn up a too large and complicated plan and cannot find the time and energy to implement it. However, it is up to everyone to implement simple actions in their daily routine to help them stay in line and avoid overloads.

We cannot fool ourselves with promises to relax as soon as we cross out another item from our to-do list, because during this time 10 new lines will appear there. The cumulative effect is important here: a lot of small actions eventually result in the overall result.


There is not and cannot be a single formula that suits everyone, but, as a rule, we are talking about lifestyle medicine, creative activities, hobbies, time with loved ones and a positive internal dialogue - science has proved the enormous value of these activities for protecting and strengthening mental health . On your own or with the help of a therapist, coach and loved ones, you can come up with a list of actions that you can perform along with other daily activities.


Many do not like the idea of ​​taking time for themselves. We are used to taking care of the rest, and changing the vector requires separate efforts. At such moments, our value system is particularly pronounced: we are proud when caring for others, and paying attention to ourselves seems illogical to us.

It is important to give ourselves the green light and really realize that we are important and worth our own “investments”, moreover, daily, then taking care of ourselves will become more effective.

It is known that prevention is cheaper than repair. Taking care of yourself is not selfishness, but a reasonable precaution. It is not only and not so much about “allocating a day for yourself” and going to the pedicure. It's about protecting our mental health and ensuring mental and emotional stability. There are no universal solutions, everyone has to look for their own ways.

“Choose one event this week that you think you might like,” recommends Kristen Lee. - Include it in your to-do list and set a reminder on your phone. Watch what happens to your mood, energy level, appearance, concentration. ”

Develop a strategic plan of such concern to protect and strengthen your own well-being, and gain support for its implementation..


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