How to cultivate thinking in English? Teach you 6 steps to train from now!

How to cultivate thinking in English? Teach you 6 steps to train from now!

 How to cultivate thinking in English Teach you 6 steps to train from now!
How to cultivate thinking in English Teach you 6 steps to train from now!
Do you have important things to make a decision?
Try not to think in your native language, but to think in English!

Studies have pointed out that thinking in English will help you make better and more reasonable decisions.

Thinking in English not only helps you make better decisions, it also helps you learn the language faster, and speaks out loud and easily.

If you "speak" English in your mind, it will be easier to say it with your mouth.

So you know how to start thinking in English?

It is absolutely useless to hand over a textbook to you! We will share six simple steps to help your brain easily switch to English.

The importance of thinking in English

Depending on your level of English, now you are the first to think about what you want to say in your native language and then translate them into English. But if you think in English first, then you don't need to translate, you can help your English become more fluent.

When you think in English (without translation), this will also help you internalize your language. When you internalize the information, it means you have learned it without thinking about it. Internalizing English also means that you don't have to remember those rules and pronunciations every time you speak. You just said it. Native English speakers will never know why they are correct because they have internalized the language.

Speaking English in your mind is a good and stress-free practice of English. You don't need to worry if you are right or not, or someone else doesn't know you. You can make a mistake but still understand you!

In addition, thinking in English is a great way to build vocabulary with the words you actually use. It's important to know a lot of words, but it's more important to know the words you use in your daily conversations.

How to think in English six steps
1. Think about individual English words
When to do: When your head is clear and not busy, once or twice a day.

How to do it: If you are just starting to learn English, don't worry about not being able to start thinking in English. You can start right away, even if you only know a little English word.

Start thinking from individual words. You may not be able to make important decisions in English, but if you see anything or anything you do around you, you can try to think in English. When you get up in the morning, you can think of "Good morning" in your head in English. Then when you are going to sleep, you can think of "Long day. Tired. Happy. Good night" in your mind.

When you first started, you may not remember to think in English. Here are a few tips to remind you to think in English one or two times a day:

Use your phone: Change your phone's standby screen to “Think in English! Think in English!” So ​​every time you look at your phone, you will be reminded once.
Become a routine: Whenever you remember to think in English for five minutes, give yourself a point. Once you reach a certain score, you can give yourself a reward!
Put a reminder note in the corner of your home: For example, put a word on the bathroom mirror that you would use in the bathroom. This will remind you not to forget to practice English thinking every day and provide you with some words you will use.
Just use these little steps, and the more words you learn, the easier it is to think in English. The more you practice, the more you can use your thinking, and then quickly, you can think about the complete sentence in English.

2. Tell your own day

When to do: When your head is clear and not busy, once or twice a day.

How to do it: The narrator is the person who says or reads the story. In the book, the narrator is the part without dialogue, which describes what happened. Many movies, especially documentaries, use narrators to explain certain parts. Now you can pretend that you are the narrator of your life, your life is like a movie!

Describe your own daily life. You can do this in your own voice, or pretend that someone is telling your life, like a legendary narrator, Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones.

Your daily life narrative may sound like this:

"It’s morning. She wakes up and rubs her eyes, preparing to face the day. She yawns as she makes herself a cup of coffee, and wonders what she should wear today."
"It's morning. She woke up and blinked, ready to face the day. She yawned while making coffee, and then wondered what she should wear today."

You can use a third person to talk to yourself or use a first person. You can describe everything from what you are doing to what you look like or what you are thinking. This will give you a lot of practice, using commonly used English words, and practicing to say complete and correct sentences.

3. Analog dialogue

When to do it: When you are alone and not busy, once a day.

How to do it: Of course, when you talk to other people, it is not the same as telling things by yourself. The conversation covers many different topics, so you will also want to practice the conversation.

Therefore, you should practice the simulation dialogue!

Pick a topic and pretend that you are talking to someone. If you are preparing for an interview, you can simulate the interview. If you are just learning a new English vocabulary, you can ask yourself questions about that word. It doesn't matter any topic! If you don't know what to do, you can find a lot of conversation topics here.

For example, if you want to go to a restaurant, you can practice a conversation with the waiter. Think about the difference between you and the waiter. Your conversation may look like this:

Waiter: "Hello, and welcome to our restaurant. Do you know what you’ll be ordering?"
Waiter: "Hello, welcome to our restaurant. What do you want today?"

You: "I’m not sure yet. What do you recommend?"
You: "I am not sure. What do you recommend?"

Waiter: “If you like seafood, our fish of the day is fantastic.”
Waiter: "If you like seafood, our fish is great today."

You: "Great, I’ll have that, then."
You: "Good, I want that."

You can try the conversation in different ways, and then you will know how different the results are each time.

Because you practice in your mind, you will focus more on the subject of the conversation without having to worry about pronunciation or fear of being distracted by talking to the real person. And you can practice anywhere.

We will recommend aloud practice, and then if you practice a few times in your mind and become more familiar with the subject and details, then you can find a partner to practice. This way you will be more confident about what you are saying and know how you actually say it.

4. Use imagination

When to do it: Every time when you don't know how to say something in English.

How to do it: When you are sitting in the car, practice your English. that's awesome! But what if you don't know how to speak a word in English? Instead of interrupting your conversation and using the dictionary app to find the word you are looking for, it's better to use your imagination.

There is always more than one way to express things. Even if you don't know an English word, you can use your imagination to use other words to express the same meaning.

For example, if you try to explain to someone that your key is gone, but you can't think of the key in English, you can say: "I can't open my door because it's locked," or "I can't get into my House, I lost the thing you use to unlock the door",

The word "key" is not used in both sentences, but it can fully express the same meaning.

So if you are stuck when thinking in English, don't be lazy in your native language. Instead, try to think hard about the word or expression of this word. This can be a great help when you are actually talking and can't think of a word.

There are ways to describe a word you don't remember:

It’s the opposite of...
What is the opposite of...
It’s similar to...
With what... very similar
It’s a place where...
Is a place...
It’s something you use to...
Is one you will get used to...
It’s an action you do when...
Is when you are in an action...
Here are a few examples: If you can't remember the English of the "garage", you can say "it’s the place where you park your car at home." Or if you can't remember the "excited" English, try saying "it’s when you’re really happy, the opposite of being bored."

To enhance your imagination, you can try to play some fun games with your friends. Things like Taboo and Catch Phrase will challenge you to avoid using certain words to say something. You can play your own version with your partner, use words you often forget, and then let your partner guess what you are thinking without using these words.

5. Establish English vocabulary

When to do it: Whenever you think in English.

How to do it: Do you know the word you couldn't remember before? (Because the word you can't remember, so at the fourth point mentioned let you use your imagination). Write the word in English or write it in your native language as quickly as possible. Take a small notebook with you or use the Notepad app on your phone. Whenever you can't think of an English word, write it down. At the end of the day, the words are found in English and then recorded. This will help you gradually increase your vocabulary.

Now that you have a lot of new words, what can you do? The first step is to use them in conversations (and in your mind). A good way to do this is to group them. Each morning you choose a set of five words. This will help you remember them for a long time.

One more thing you can do is to increase your vocabulary through the internet. On the Wordnik website, you can view the words and see examples of how to actually use them. You can also create a single word list. Join your new words and learn how to use them. When you internalize these new words, you can move them from the "single word" list to the "learning single word" list.

You can also use the Dictionary and Vocabulary websites and apps to build a list of my favorites and vocabulary.

6. Use the English-English dictionary

When to use: Whenever you check a word.

How to use: When you are more proficient in thinking in English, be sure to do as much as possible in your daily life. This includes checking a single word in an English-English dictionary (interpreting a single word in English). The less Chinese translation, the easier it is to think and speak directly in English.

Once you have made a change, you may want to use your English-Chinese dictionary. But please don't do this! In fact, delete all your current dictionary applications and keep only one or two useful English-English dictionaries.

In the beginning, you may find that the English-English dictionary will use a single word you don't know to explain another word you don't know. Don't feel frustrated. You can start with a dictionary app or website designed for kids or people who learn English. They will use simpler English to interpret words. Here are two dictionaries for people who are learning English, Vocabulary and Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary.

There are many other ways to train your brain to think in English. For example, you can set the language of your phone, app, and social software to English. But start with these six steps. Slowly, you can easily think in English!

Also don't forget to use English to make decisions. Remember, using this method will give you a better choice. This is a scientific proof! for More Articles Below Link


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