Importance of English Language

Importance of English Language 

 Importance of English Language
 Importance of English Language

Modern English is demanding. English is the first universal universal language. Socio-economic changes in the history of the country, new trends in education are intensively demanding continuous improvement of English language teaching, fulfillment of scientific and methodological level of teaching.

In this regard, English is one of the three pillars of the language - its use in diverse forms of public life, the socio-economic understanding of the great nation and ethnic groups - the English language, which has an international character, has its own role.

English is an international language. It is the most widely used language in the world and the most widely used language after Chinese. English is one of the six languages ​​of the United Nations. English is the most widely used language in the world. West-Germanic languages ​​of Indian languages. A. t. structure is fictitious. It is the state language of Great Britain, USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is also the official language of many states.

English is a form of public phenomenon.

The only factor that is accelerating the development of a universal image of life is English. The English language is based on communication, and the consequence is clear: it is a global language among English-speaking countries.

English has a very important role in our time. In modern schools, English is one of the most advanced courses in the world. Schools have been included in the table as the subject system since the first grade in English. Even in kindergartens, they teach English to speak and read. On the Internet, there are a variety of cartoons for small children. It is true, though, that the English people have also introduced the methods of teaching and teaching the Internet.

The number of young people studying abroad every year is increasing. For this reason, schools, universities that teach English proficiently try to force the language. In many parts of the country, many courses have been set up to improve English.

It is obvious that the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, which has been in the country since then, has made great efforts to study languages. Nowadays our university has multilingual courses: French, Chinese, Turkish, Russian, English. Speaking English, our students are learning their language.

At the present time, the modern requirements are not limited to "Bachelor" only in higher education institutions, but also require high positions such as "Master's degree", "Doctorate". You need to have a good English language.

Clearly, it is difficult to learn the language. For this reason, you need to watch and listen to audio and video content in English. Everyone who wants to learn English must enrich your vocabulary.

There are 34 languages ​​in English. Basically we have 12 small ones. We consider all this because of the fact that it is deepening in educational institutions. In the recent years, we call computerization of education in the new teaching method used in English teaching. Nowadays there is no computer used in human life. We use a lot of online computer programs in English. It is a language of instructional computer technology, language of world communication, language of education in some specialties, prestigious language among youth, mass media, the language of receiving information.

Teaching English as a means of obtaining information, comparing and comparing the value system of its own language.

So without the knowledge of English, we can not achieve full-fledged, competitive personality. Kazakhstan, which has received additional education through Russian, enlarges its worldview and enlarges its environments and moves far beyond the neighboring states, is also striving for multilingualism in order to avoid these achievements. Because multilingualism is one of the steps that enable the world to see the level of competence and literacy of the country, and to balance the window with the giant states. It's important to be fluent in English as well as to gain competence and competence among foreigners.

The English Language Day has been celebrated since 2010, just like the official dates for other languages, at the UN's direct start. Today, the English language has the status "global language," and billions of people are spoken in that language. Most of them are residents of Great Britain, the United States, Ireland, Canada, Malta, Australia and New Zealand. English is spoken officially in some parts of Asia and Africa. It is a tradition to call people who speak these languages ​​"Anglo-Pooh". It should be noted that the standard English, the pure London dialect, has changed in different regions over time, so it is difficult to understand American or Afrikaans who speak English in English. English is the language of the UN secretariat, along with the French language, and is part of the six official UN languages.

There are round tables, conferences, competitions, scientific exhibitions, lessons learned about English culture. Although the English language is dominant in our society, it is third in the world. The first place is Chinese, the second is Spanish. English is the most widely spoken dictionary in English. The language has more than 800,000 words. And there are many synonyms. American President Benjamin Franklin found about 200 synonyms of the word "drunk." Now, you think. The effectiveness of this is that you can easily replace another word with the word you can not recall.

Monthly, orange, silver, purple in English - it's hard to find the exact 4 words. Thanks to some poetry searches, the word orange can be called courage, porridge, arrange, and more. but in terms of meaning it was not logical.

And the symbol was once in the English alphabet. And now the mark is called ampersand. English names are ending with a comma.

You know, it's enough to know the words from 1500-2000 to tell the story in English. However, it is good for you to know a lot. It's worth noting that the Englishman himself speaks about 12000-20000, depending on his knowledge and environment. He used more than 30,000 words in the famous Shakespeare works.

Finally, English is a language of communication. English is a modern language that is widely used. If we say that the language is a global economy, English has a very important role in our time. In modern schools, English is one of the most advanced courses in the world. In modern schools, English is one of the most advanced courses in the world. Schools have been included in the table as the subject system since the first grade in English. The role of the English language of international character is a deeply important and important role in the modern 21st century.


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