Information technology

Information technology

Information Technology (IT) is a general term for various technologies used to manage and process information. It mainly uses computer science and communication technology to design, develop, install and implement information systems and application software. It is also often referred to as information and communication technology.

1 Overview
2 Definition of the paper
3 Structure of the paper
4 Information Technology Paper Writing Guide
5 Information Technology Writing Requirements
6 Writing considerations
7 binding specifications

1: Application technology related to data and information. Its contents include: data, information collection, presentation, processing, security, transmission, exchange, visualization, management, organization, storage, retrieval and so on. Subject: Communication technology (a subject); communication principle and basic technology (two subjects) definition
2: Technology that acquires, transmits, displays, and applies information using electronic computers, remote sensing technology, modern communication technologies, and intelligent control technologies. Subject: Resource Science and Technology (a subject); Resource Informatics (two subjects)
3: Information Technology (IT) is a general term for various technologies used to manage and process information. It mainly uses computer science and communication technology to design, develop, install and implement information systems and application software. It is also often referred to as Information and Communications Technology (ICT). It mainly includes sensing technology, computer technology and communication technology.
Definition of the paper
The term common essay in classical literature is called conversational remarks or exchange of ideas. In modern and contemporary times, papers often refer to articles used to conduct scientific research and describe scientific research results. It is not only a means to explore problems for scientific research, but also a tool to describe scientific research results for academic exchanges. It includes academic papers, graduation thesis, dissertations, scientific papers, and results papers, which are collectively referred to as papers.
Structure editing of the paper
1. Title specification
The title should be concise, specific, and precise. It can summarize the specific content of the paper and help to select keywords, which is consistent with the relevant principles for the preparation of bibliography, indexing and retrieval.
2. Propositional approach
Concise and concise, outline.
Propositions are theoretical and realistic, and they are specific in general. Theoreticality refers to the fact that based on a theory, reality refers to an analysis of what is happening. For example, the xxx study based on the xxx theory, taking xxx as an example.
3. Notes on writing English titles
1 English title uses the phrase as the main form, especially the noun phrase is the most common, that is, the title is basically composed of one or several nouns plus its preposition and/or postposition; the phrase type title must determine the central word, then Before and after modification. Order of each word
It is very important that improper word order will lead to inaccurate expression.
2 Generally, do not use declarative sentences, because the title is mainly used as a mark, and the declarative sentence is easy to make the title have a judgmental semantics, and is not refined and eye-catching. In a few cases (review, review, and refutation), questions can be used as the title, because of doubts
The sentence has an exploratory tone and is easy to attract readers' interest.
3 The English title of the same paper should be consistent with the content of the Chinese title, but it does not mean that the words should be one-to-one. In many cases, individual non-substantive words may be omitted or changed.
4 Foreign scientific journals generally have restrictions on the number of titles. Some of the prescribed titles do not exceed 2 lines, and each line does not exceed 42 printed symbols and spaces; some require no more than 14 words. These rules are for our reference.
5 in the English title of the paper. None of the articles that are available or not used are used.
2. Author
1. Author's signature
The author's signature is placed under the title, and the author of the group author can also be marked on the front page of the article. Sometimes the author's name can also be marked at the end of the text.
Example: jun 1,ABC 2,
(1. Department of Physics, XX Normal University, Beijing 100875; 2. Department of Physics, XX College of Education,
2. Considerations for translation authors and their organization names
1 The name of the translation unit should not be abbreviated, from small to uppercase, with address and zip code to ensure easy contact.
2 The translation unit name shall adopt the unified translation method of the unit.
3 The author's name is spelled in Chinese Pinyin. After the first name is used, the middle is a space. All the letters of the last name are large characters, and the surnames are consecutively written; the first letter of the name is a large character, the middle name of the double name is added with a hyphen, and the last name and the name are not abbreviated.
3. Directory
The catalog is a short form of the main paragraphs in the paper. (Short papers do not have to be listed)
4. Summary (content summary)
It is an excerpt of the main content of the article, which is short, precise and complete. The number of words can be as few as tens of words, and no more than three hundred words is appropriate.
1. Specification of the abstract
Abstract is a short statement that does not comment or comment on the content of the paper. It requires a brief explanation of the purpose of the research work, research methods and final conclusions. The focus is on the conclusion, which is a essay with independence and completeness, which can be cited, Promote and expand.
2. Write summary notes
1 Do not simply repeat the information already in the title. Do not write the content appearing in the introduction into the abstract. Do not copy the text of the subtitle (catalog) or the conclusion of the paper in the main body of the paper, or interpret the content of the paper.
2 Try to use textual narratives, do not list the data in the text in the abstract; the text should be concise, should exclude the content that has become common sense in the subject area, should delete the meaningless or unnecessary words; the content should not be expanded to explain the statement, do not enumerate illustration,
Do not introduce the research process;
3 The content of the abstract must be complete. The main content (or opinion) stated in the paper cannot be omitted. It should be written as an essay that can be used independently.
4 Abstracts are generally not segmented, and should not be written in a determinant. The statement should be objective, and the research process, methods and results should not be subjectively evaluated, nor should it be compared with other people's research.
3. Write English summary notes
The notes written in the above Chinese abstract are applicable to English abstracts, but English has its own expressions and language habits, and special attention should be paid when writing English abstracts.
5. Keywords (subject words)
1. Keyword specification
Keywords are words or phrases that reflect the subject matter of the paper, and are usually arranged below the abstract in a font size different from the text. Generally, each piece can be 3~8, and multiple keywords are separated by semicolons. The levels of the extension (concept range) of the terms are arranged from big to small.
Keywords are generally nouns or phrases, and in some cases there are verbs or phrases. English keywords corresponding to Chinese keywords should be marked. Chinese is in the front and foreign languages ​​are in the back. Chinese keywords are preceded by "keywords:" or "[keywords]
"As the logo; "Key words" is used as the logo before the English keyword.
Keywords should be selected from the national standard "Chinese Subject Header" as much as possible; new subjects not included in the vocabulary, important terms in new technologies, and names such as regions, people, and documents can also be marked as keywords. Keywords should be used to cover the main content of the paper.
General technical terms.
2. Method of selecting keywords
The general selection method of the keywords is: after the author completes the writing of the thesis, it is selected from its title, hierarchical title and body (higher frequency and more critical words).

(1) Introduction: The introduction, also known as the preface, preface and introduction, is used at the beginning of the paper. The introduction generally writes the author's intentions in general, explains the purpose and significance of the topic, and points out the scope of the thesis writing. The introduction should be short and succinct and closely related.
(2) The main body of the thesis: The main body of the thesis is the main body of the thesis. The text should include arguments, arguments, argumentation process and conclusions. The main body includes the following:
Ask questions - arguments;
b. Analytical issues - arguments and arguments;
c. Solving problems - argumentation methods and steps;
d. Conclusion.
In order to achieve a clear hierarchy and clear context, the body part is often divided into several large paragraphs. These paragraphs are called logical segments. A logical segment can contain several small logical segments. A small logical segment can contain one or several natural segments, so that the body forms several segments.
level. The level of the paper should not be too much, generally no more than five.
7. Acknowledgement
A scientific research achievement or technological innovation is often not done by one person alone. It also requires human, financial and material support and help from all aspects. Therefore, at the end of many papers, there are "thank you". I am grateful for the help I received during the completion of the paper.
This is a manifestation of humility and courtesy in the academic world.
8. References
The reference to a paper is the main literature that can be referenced or cited in research and writing, and is listed at the end of the paper. References should be made on a separate page, marked in accordance with relevant regulations.
The requirements for the listed references are:
(1) The listed references should be official publications for the reader to verify.
(2) The cited references shall indicate the title, author or publication information of the serial number, work or article.
Information Technology Paper Writing Guide Editor
(1) The theme of the writing
Information technology papers can only have one theme (not a few pieces of work pieced together), this topic should be specific to the grassroots level of the problem (that is, the problem can no longer be subdivided into sub-questions to a lower level), rather than the problem The field to which it belongs is not the subject of the problem. In other words, the subject of research should not be too large. Because the scope of the problems involved is too broad, it is difficult to fully study in a master's thesis. Generally, a master's thesis should conduct in-depth research on a specific issue in a subject area and draw valuable research conclusions.
Information technology papers are academic works, so their expressions should be rigorous and concise, with outstanding emphasis. Professional common sense should be abbreviated or not written, so that the layers are clear, the data is reliable, the text is concise, the explanation is thorough, the reasoning is rigorous, the argument is correct, and the use of literary nature is avoided. Or a non-academic language with emotions. If a non-universal new term, new term or new concept appears in the paper, it needs to be explained clearly.
(2) The method of writing the title
The topic of information technology papers should reflect the main contents of the paper work in a concise and concise manner. Because others want to retrieve your paper through the keywords in your thesis title, the accuracy of the term is very important. The title of the thesis should be an accurate and specific description of the research object. This description generally reflects the research conclusion to a certain extent. Therefore, our thesis topic should not only tell the reader what problems this paper has studied, but also tell the reader this research. the conclusion. For example: "Between facts and fiction: Merle, Carpenter, Wolff's view of journalism" is more professional and accurate than "three American writers' view of journalism."
(3) The way the abstract is written
The abstract of the information technology paper is a high-level summary of the research content of the paper. Others will search for a master's thesis based on the abstract. Therefore, the abstract should include: description of the problem and research purpose, briefing on the method of use and the research process. Introduction, brief summary of research conclusions, etc. The abstract should be independent and self-evident, and should be a complete paper.
By reading the abstract of the paper, the reader should be able to have a holistic understanding of the research methods and conclusions of the paper, so the abstract should be written accurately and concisely. The abstract of the paper should not be written as an outline of the full text, especially to avoid such a statement as "Chapter 1...; Chapter 2...;......".
(4) The way of introduction
The introduction of an information technology paper generally includes the following parts: 1. The question is raised; 2. The background and significance of the topic; 3. The literature review; 4. The research method; 5. The structure of the paper.
1. Proposal of the problem: Explain the question "what is".
2. Background and significance of the topic: Explain why this topic was chosen to study, that is, to explain the contribution of the research to the development of the discipline, the theoretical and practical significance of the national economy and the people's livelihood.
3. Literature review: A comprehensive and comprehensive review of the literature within the scope of this research topic, "review" must also have "evaluation", pointing out the inadequacy of existing research results, and telling their own improvement ideas.
4. Research methods: Explain the scientific research methods used in the papers.
The structure of the paper: Introduce the writing structure of this paper.
5. The "Chapter 2, Chapter 3, ..., the chapter before the conclusion" is written by the author of the paper, and the research results of others cannot be blended indiscriminately. What has already been said in the literature review section of the introduction does not need to be repeated here.
There must be an organic connection between the chapters in a logical order.
(5) Writing the conclusion
The conclusion is that the main research results and the refinement and generalization of the information technology papers should be accurate, concise, complete and organized, so that people can fully understand the meaning, purpose and work content of the paper. It mainly describes the status, role and significance of his creative work and the research results obtained in this academic field. At the same time, we must strictly distinguish the results we have achieved and the results of the research work of the mentor and others.
Information technology paper writing requires editing
(1) Title (Title, Topic)
The title is also called the title or title. The title is a logical combination of the most important and specific content of the paper in the most appropriate and concise terms.
The title of the thesis is the first important information about the scope and level of the paper given by a paper. It is also necessary to take into account the usefulness of the secondary literature that can help the selected keywords to be unsatisfactory and to compile bibliographies and indexes. information. The topic of the thesis is very important and must be carefully selected. Someone described its importance and used the following sentence: "The title of the thesis is half of the article." The requirements for the title of the thesis are: accurate and decent: short and refined: the extension and connotation are just right: eye-catching.
(2) Author's name and unit (Author and department)
This item belongs to the issue of the signature of the paper. The first sign is to show the responsibility of the blame, the second is to record the effect of labor, and the third is to facilitate the contact between the reader and the author and the literature search (author index). There are roughly two situations, namely: a single author paper and a multi-author paper. The latter is listed as the first author and the second author in the order of signature. The important thing is to adhere to the attitude of seeking truth from facts. The most important contribution to the research work and thesis writing is listed as the first author, and the second contribution is listed as the second author. The author's unit is also indicated to facilitate the reader's contact with the author.
(3) Abstract (Abstract)
The paper should generally have abstracts, some for international exchanges, and a foreign language (multiple use of English) abstract. It is a short statement of the content of the paper without comments and comments. Other uses are to obtain the necessary information without reading the full text of the paper. The summary should contain the following:
1 the purpose and importance of engaging in this research;
2 The main content of the study indicates what work has been completed;
3 The basic conclusions and research results obtained, highlighting the new insights of the paper;
4 The meaning of the conclusion or result..


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