Problems of information culture of students

Problems of information culture of students

 Problems of information culture of students
Problems of information culture of students

One of the main goals of the 21st century is to create an education system, which not only educates a person, but also takes care of his health.

It is known that modern human health is not only dependent on the effects of the environment, but also in relation to its physical fitness. Formation of the last approach is one of the main conditions for the well-being of the society.

In the middle of the 20th century, well-known scientist VG Glushkov wrote: "The development of computerized networks through the terminal networks in technically advanced countries in the beginning of the next century, much of the information, especially scientific, technical, economic, political and social data, is stored in the memory of the computer.

As a result, a person who can not use such information at the beginning of the 21st century will be like a person who can not read or write in the early 20th century ... "

For the last 20 years, a new subject-bioinformatic lesson has been trained for the purpose of the use of information technology in practice. Its role in the system of secondary education is determined by such issues as the creation of an informational-system image of the world, which is the basis of professional activity in information society, the formation of effective communication and intellectual environment. At the same time, in the field of pedagogical sciences, there are still deeper social changes needed to improve its methodology and paradigm.

Therefore, the main task of computer science education is to teach the ways of effective use of computer technologies as a means of self-expression, development as well as development of information conversion, transportation and operation processes, as well as in the field of post-performance study. As a result of this goal, it is possible to master the ways of using information technologies and to reach the level of access to the information image of the modern world ".
The purpose of information technology:

1.Preparation of a personality and individual to a decent life, as the period of creation of an                                                          information society:

improvement of thinking;
aesthetic education;
development of communication and communication skills;
to formulate an effective decision or to provide several versions of decisions that are made in difficult cases;
to train and develop scientific and practical activities;

2. Implementation of the social order arising from the Company's information:

training of specialists in computer science and computing;
preparation of consumers of new informational technologies;

3. All levels of the educational process:

Improving the efficiency and quality of the learning process through the implementation of new information technology tools;
Ensure that motivation is needed to improve the cognitive qualities of students and students;
deepening of interdisciplinary communication using the existing information processing facilities in the decision-making process in each area;

One of the topical issues today is the improvement of the system of professional training of specialists, which solves the main problems of future activity by means of information technology, which can optimize the work process. Objectives of the content training in the field of information technologies:

- an important factor in determining the content of education in the field of information technologies is its orientation;
- The content of the study should provide the students with the knowledge of pedagogical specialties, using information technologies, to gain sufficient knowledge and skills to solve pedagogical problems independently;
- The content must form a complete perception of the system of knowledge used in combining knowledge in its pedagogical activity on the basis of interdisciplinary communication in the solution of pedagogical problems.

New achievements in the improvement of pedagogical practice lead to emergence of new technologies in teaching pedagogical specialties students. Information revolution, public awareness, education needs self-actualization of vital issues, and the ability to quickly eliminate free space in education.

The tendency of recent years is based on the information technology, which is reflected in the achievements of information science in the educational process of higher education institutions (HEIs), in particular, access to information resources of Web-technologies from consumer applications - Internet, information management Internet services, protocols and specialized Web-servers. One of the main peculiarities of this technology is the reduction of classroom hours with the participation of a teacher in the university. This will lead to a real increase in the role of educational process teachers in the learning environment. The next reason for the widespread use of web-technology is the use of large amounts of information in the Internet, which are used for educational purposes before the establishment of a specific educational and methodological fund at the stage of introduction of new educational programs .

Modern electronic equipment and information media have been improved from year to year and offer new opportunities to address different educational challenges in education.
As a modern visual tool, writing information on posters or boards is often unusable. The current situation offers the use of new information technologies, for example, a PowerPoint slides system that can be viewed at each workplace by a computer.

Information culture, based on the use of information technology, is one of the most important components of the professional culture of the teacher.
The use of information technology in education is characterized by the role of the computer in the learning process, through its ability to control the learning process. The ability to process the computerization process can occur when the human functions are replaced by paraparest technical environments. Automation of the learning process is less effective than teacher activity. the need for increased labor force can not be addressed at the appropriate level.

As their education grows and their field of study grows, they will be well trained to continue their studies and work. However, due to the rapid development of information technology, there are issues that can not be resolved in the past, due to the constant increase of the subject volume and the lack of training hours. This is a reason to draw attention to the discrepancy between the volume of information and the hours it is studying. One of the ways to resolve this conflict is to introduce new educational technologies, which will increase the amount of information that has grown every day, without increasing the number of hours required for training.

New pedagogical approaches that help students improve their educational process and accelerate their development help them to acquire a deeper knowledge in the field of information technology and then guarantee successful study at higher education institutions.
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