
Showing posts from October, 2019

10 secrets of learning a foreign language from a polyglot

10 secrets of learning a foreign language from a polyglot How to force yourself to learn a foreign language? Should I strive to speak it without accent? What gives immersion in the language environment? Is it helpful to listen to the news on the BBC? About this polyglot and psycho linguist said in a lecture "Psychology of learning languages." 1. Go through the same stages as a small child Each language has basic algorithms that can be quickly mastered and brought to automatism. To do this, you have to go the path that the child goes. Children usually begin to speak between the ages of two and three. At this time, no one really teaches their language, they just get used to the sound of their parents' voices, listen to the speech addressed to them, and at some point a linguistic revolution occurs, the logic of the native language is “turned on”. When fairy tales begin to be read to a child, he understands little; most of the words are unfamiliar to him (that is,...

Do we want to live alone?

              Do we want to live alone? To be lonely does not mean to be a loser. A solo life is much freer and simpler than a couple life fraught with conflicts and difficulties. So, those who think so do not need a serious relationship? Man among people. The institution of marriage has ceased to be a "sacred cow." He surrenders to criticism, offering compromise options such as civil or guest marriage. And we increasingly prefer to talk simply about partnerships. But today they are in question. Why be together if I'm alone better? The arguments of those who prefer solo life are, at first glance, quite convincing. But what do they really mean? I myself “I have achieved something in my life, I make good money, I can provide everyone with both myself and my daughter. So why do I need a husband, one asks? - exclaims the 39-year-old Polin. “Just for the status of a married lady?” This is yesterday, patriarchal views are outdated. I don’t need e...

“I'm not a feminist”: why is this word so scary (and in vain)

“I'm not a feminist”: why is this word so scary (and in vain) In the comments to any relatively balanced text about feminism, equality and women's issues, one can often find phrases like: “I don’t consider myself a feminist, but I absolutely agree ...”. And this is surprising: if you agree, you are a feminist - so why don't you want to call yourself that? Man among people Eminem is an inclusive and broad movement, why is it so important for many women to emphasize their non-belonging to it, despite the actual commonality of views and values? I thought and highlighted four main reasons. Lack of awareness and negative associations Unfortunately, the feminist movement is still surrounded by a whole set of myths with which most women refuse to identify. Feminism is associated with hatred of men, external attractiveness, aggressiveness and masculinity. Feminists are accused of a senseless struggle with windmills and far-fetched problems ("here in the old days th...

How to improve the standard of living: the technique of small steps

How to improve the standard of living: the technique of small                                                  steps “Money ceiling”, “normal level”, “money throughput” - these terms can now be heard at every step. What do they mean and how do we determine our standard of living? And what can we do to move to a new level? We talked about this with a business trainer.                                   Know Yourself Career and Self-Realization Many are sure that everyone has only what he wants. If you cannot afford a trip to Italy, a dinner at a restaurant, an expensive foreign car and a serious relationship, then this is exactly your ceiling, your desire at the moment. But it is important to understand that the ceiling can and must be raised. It takes effort, but quite real...

Caring for yourself is not selfishness

Caring for yourself is not selfishness Caring for yourself is not selfishness Taking care of yourself helps maintain an intense rhythm of life and remain a full member of society. It has nothing to do with egoism, although many of us still confuse these concepts. Behavioral Specialist Kristen Lee shares the techniques and practices that are available to all of us. We live in an era of anxiety, and burnout is considered the new norm. Is it any wonder that self-care seems to many to be another bargaining chip of popular psychology? However, science has long proven its undeniable value, ”recalls Kristen Lee, a specialist in behaviorism. The World Health Organization has announced a global mental health crisis and has defined burnout as a professional risk and habitual condition in the workplace. We have to give all our best, increasing pressure contributes to exhaustion and anxiety. Rest, relaxation and free time seem like luxury. Kristen Lee is often faced with the fact that...

Emotion is a virus: how we influence each other

             Emotion is a virus: how we influence each other Emotions spread like a virus, and the mood of others can have a dramatic effect on us. The evolutionary prerequisites and interesting mechanisms of this phenomenon are being studied by Stephen Stony, a family therapist and author of a series of books on relationships. Each of us intuitively understands the meaning of such expressions as “public mood” or “excitement floating in the air”. But where from? “These are metaphors that have no literal meaning. Nevertheless, we perfectly understand their significance, as we intuitively understand what infection with emotions means, ”says family psychotherapist Stephen Stony. The principle of infection with emotions implies that the feelings of two or more people are connected and transmitted from person to person in large groups. We are accustomed to consider this an internal process, but emotions can be more contagious than any known virus, a...

Syndrome of the “eternal student”: why can they not finish their studies?

Syndrome of the “eternal student”: why can they not finish                                               their studies? They drop out of school or pause, then return. They can go from one course to another for years before they receive a bachelor's or master's degree. Are they so unembarrassed or lazy as many think of them? Or losers, how do they think of themselves? But according to recent studies, things are not so straightforward. they are called “roving students” or “wandering students”. It is as if they are wandering around the student body, without putting at stake everything — a diploma or nothing. They annoy someone. Someone is compassionate and even envious: "People know how not to strain and calmly relate to their failures in learning." they are called “roving students” or “wandering students”. It is as if they are wandering around the student body, w...

How to teach a child to learn and not ruin everything

  How to teach a child to learn and not ruin                                       everything The desire to learn new things is inherent in us by nature. Curiosity encourages experience and information. But how to maintain this natural desire? How to maintain the child’s interest in knowledge, to develop creativity and the ability to think? The good news : children love to learn without us. A small child learns every minute, no matter what he does. In addition, scientists have proven that the brain is able to change throughout life, learning is its natural state at any age. Another question is that children, as they grow up, often lose their impulse to cognition. The parent's task is to create an environment that will help maintain this skill. WHAT IS ABILITY TO LEARN Ability to learn consists primarily of curiosity, thirst for research, “pumping” of critical thinking. This...

Why talk about death

                    Why talk about death? We avoid thoughts, let alone talking about death. However, in order to live a more meaningful and full life, we have to learn to think about death without horror.                                                         Know yourself Main ideas The topic on talking about death is one of the strongest for modern society. Death is more frightening to those who have not become themselves. The realization that life is finite helps us live a fuller, deeper, richer life. Death - another's and especially its own - belongs to the field of the inexpressible. We ignore it, avoid it, deny it. But in order to live more meaningful and vibrant, we have to learn to think about it without fear. “I have no idea how you will write about it. It is so hard! ”- t...

Parents who hurt us: how to communicate with them?

      Parents who hurt us: how to communicate with them? In childhood, parents should be a reliable support for us, providing not only physical security, but also psychological security. However, sometimes we experience completely different feelings. If at the beginning of life we ​​do not realize that it hurts in relations with parents, then in adulthood it important to understand what is happening in order to get out of the destructive state of anger, resentment and guilt. Ama and Papa - large, omnipotent, omnipotent, able to answer all questions, protect from any adversity, calm and comfort ... Alas, they are not always like that. It happens that the closest people inflict enormous harm on the psyche of their children. “A young child cannot live in constant emotional stress, and he develops various forms of protection,” explains psychologist Marina Meaus, “he learns to either justify the parent or emotionally withdraw, defending himself with coldness and indi...

English Language Education in Japan

English Language Education in Japan English language education began in Japan in the 1600s, with early relations between the Japanese and the English. The not-for-profit market has faced a crisis of confidence in recent years following the bankruptcy of major Noah. [Citation needed] Almost all students graduating from Japan High School have had English language education for years; Often, however, there is no command to speak English. Contents   History  Difficulties  School system  Private sector  Cultural differences   History Early edition of Tejima Japan and an early English speaker circa 1600 It is the founder of the Tokugawa Feudal Government, Tokugawa Ieyasu It is believed that she met with. The only translator who was the only translator in Portuguese, the Tokugawa Ieyasu is said to have not stopped a very positive relationship with William Adams in Japan for the rest of his life. However, following the death of Tokusha'...