The Importance of Using Learning Technologies

The Importance of Using Learning Technologies

 The Importance of Using Learning Technologies
The Importance of Using Learning Technologies
Today's world's new approaches to development require the education system to adapt to daily economic, social, and cultural changes. The world today is in the creation of "knowledge society" and "knowledge economy". This idea needs to reform the entire education system and modernize it.

Key instruments of language teaching, learning, language development, curriculum, curriculum and teacher's skill, skill, novelty. To learn the language, it is necessary to know the peculiarities, attentions, thinking and perception of students.

Language facts - the main form of teaching English language. The language of speech reflects the truth through language. Everything in life, everything in the environment is recognized in the language. There is a lot of work to be done by the teachers in providing the students with a solid and strong language from the Kazakh language. Depending on the size and system of the selected materials, the teacher uses the most valuable, most effective types of teaching methods [2]. Whatever pedagogical technologies, it is a new kind of business. Innovative activity is aimed at deepening the content of disciplines, increasing the professional skill of a teacher, developing the educational process, which encourages the student to work independently, to self-study.

At present, new information technologies such as the Internet, mobile telephony, active boards, digital technology are widely used. Psychologists V. Davydov, V. Rubtsov said that the new information technology should correspond to the age-specificity of various formalities of computer training, taking into account the aspect of development of the age. Students are excited about all the technological advancements.

In order to achieve good results in innovative activities, the teacher's mental development indicators should be high. Only then is the prerequisite for motivation for the formation and development of creative communication for pedagogical activity
 Today's educational technology needs to be up-to-date. In terms of technology concepts, many terms are used in language use: innovative technology, new technology, advanced technology, interactive technology, pedagogical technology, pedagogical innovation, innovative process, master-training etc.

Technology has such kinds of technology as industrial and social technology. Social technology, for example, involves a human factor, and maximizes the growth and development of the subject. Ways to bring the subject to a new level of quality and develop can only be achieved through the learning process. In this regard, technology is considered an integral unit of pedagogy. In the encyclopedic dictionary, innovation in the field of education, which significantly improves, improves or renews the educational process ...

 In Mukanov's research: A system of subordinate actions that delivers pedagogical technology to a predetermined result. It explains from a scientific point of view that the system of actions that guarantees the achievement of the intended outcome, which improves the professional skills of the teacher. That is, from the aforementioned definitions, we understand that pedagogical technology requires novelty, efficiency and end results in the learning system. At the same time, innovation has a special place.

  a series of definitions of the following conceptual definition of pedagogical technology:

Technology is a set of knowledge about methods of implementation of certain processes.

Technology is an organized, purposeful, focused, predictable influence and influence, which is designed to activate the learning process.

Technology is an effective technique of successful learning process.

Technology is a project of a certain pedagogical system, practically implemented

Innovative teaching is a tradition of innovation teaching, a unique alternative to learning in comparison with standard education. It includes the development of teachers and students; their common creative and effective work on the basis of democratic principles; introduces innovation in education system [

One of the main tasks is to develop innovation technologies, taking into account the personality traits and abilities of the subject, because it is aimed at the formation of a personal social person, rather than knowledge. A. Alimov gives the name of interactive teaching / learning of innovative technologies. Interactive learning is a learning / learning, dialogue based on communication (communication), that is, learners, learners, learners - conversations (conversations, interviews, feedback, collaborations) in their own formats [ 10]. The effectiveness of this learning technology, which is built upon a collaborative effort, is not only used by the student but also by the ability to explain it to others. Developed knowledge (constructiveness) is based on the self-evident behavior of learners, such as search, recognition and recitation. In their learning, they do not accept the information they are prepared to read, they take a closer look at the meaning of the word development and explore them in action.

Nowadays, the ability to apply pedagogical news based on the specificity of the subject is the only way to achieve the goal of learning. The goal we set in our practice is to increase the student's interest in the classroom and create a sense of self-esteem. The main thing is a new organization of the educational process, improving the reading skills of students through their educational activities, and working together in self-education.

Creating a creative, explorative, broad-minded person is one of the main requirements of modern educational process, the way of which is effective organization of student cognitive research. In this context, students can perform different tasks. The following is the "History of Diplomacy. Ambassador. The pre-made slides will be displayed using the "Brain Attack" method to move on to a new lesson called "Embassy." Pay attention to the panel from students: look at the pictures on the screen and the theme of today's lesson

During the lesson, the ICT, the critical thinking program, aims to fulfill the objectives. Critical thinking is a student's self-confidence; freedom of movement in different environments; mutual assistance in the group; language competence; to identify and compare problems in the text, find keywords; business skills; develops self-searching..


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