
Showing posts from April, 2020

Constipation in Children

Constipation in Children Constipation in Children Constipation is one of the problems that pediatricians face quite often. Constipation is a hard and sparse defecation due to the inability or failure of normal defecation. Constipation is either short-term and temporary or chronic. Constipation lasting more than a month is considered chronic constipation. If the child is under the age of 4, having at least two of the following criteria will diagnose constipation; If it feces 2 or less per week, If there is a history of excessive stool accumulation, If it is painful and stiff stool, If there is a large scale stool If there is a large stool mass in the rectum After acquiring the toilet skill; A history of stool incontinence at least once a week, If there is a large history of defecation enough to block the toilet Features of Normal Stool "Meconium", the first poop of the newborn, is greenish black in color, odorless, has a dense and sticky appear...

Pneumonia: 4 major treatment errors

Pneumonia: 4 major treatment errors Pneumonia 4 major treatment errors Self-medication can be extremely dangerous. Especially when it comes to pneumonia. We have collected the most common misconceptions regarding methods of treating pneumonia and found out why it is still necessary to see a doctor, take antibiotics and do gymnastics. ammonia, or pneumonia, is often perceived by us as a cold with a very high fever, weakness, and cough. We are not in a hurry to call a doctor, we are treated independently, we do not trust traditional methods. This is fraught with various complications even after recovery. What are we most often mistaken about? Mistake number 1: no pneumonia against pneumonia In fact, the pneumonia vaccine has been invented and has been done for quite some time. But it is effective only when pneumonia is caused by one of the pathogens - pneumococcus. In 52 countries of the world, such a pneumonia vaccine has already been included in the National calendar of ...

Do you want to make positive changes in your life? This will definitely help you!

Do you want to make positive changes in your life? This will definitely help you! Do not rely solely on your memory. When a person is busy, he forgets events that do not relate to what he has set out to do. Record everything you want to work on. You can use a diary, a calendar you have on your desk, apps on your mobile, tablet, or laptop. It is ideal if someone can keep a diary and write some ideas, ideas, and opinions every day. Something that interested him in the context of the change he was working on. Write down the things you want to do in your life and focus on them. You will see that most of them will come true. Schedule time for at least basic attributes like family, friends, work. Above all, don't waste your time unnecessarily on something that drains your energy and doesn't move you forward. Do you want to make positive changes in your life? This will definitely help you! 2. Learn to enjoy every day Getting up in the morning without motivation is not ...

How do you make any habit?

How do you make any habit? Every person wants to make a difference for the better of their lives. In the beginning we usually feel a strong motivation that helps us to last some time. But it often fades away and if we are going through a lot of stress, it is likely that we will return to the old habit. But what should be done to prevent this from happening? How do you make any habit? Each habit has 4 components: impulse, desire, reaction and reward. For example, the need to get up in the morning is an impulse, feeling awake is a desire, drinking a cup of coffee is a reaction, and the reward is a satisfaction that provides caffeine. Therefore, drinking coffee is associated with getting up. 1. The impetus shall be clear   Every habit is automatically activated by impulse. The impulse is an external, often accidental event, a circumstance that gives a stimulating impulse to the onset of other events. If the impulse is not obvious, the habit will not trigger. Th...

How to maintain optimism and positive energy?

How to maintain optimism and positive energy? How to maintain optimism and positive energy Positive energy represents well-being, taste, charge, patience and toughness. Positive energy and optimism are the keys to success. Optimists begin to work with appetite, work patiently to accomplish their tasks, and complete it with a certain amount of energy. And if something goes wrong, they take lessons from the shortcomings and are open to constructive criticism. They know well that they learn the most and that only in the future will they do the tasks better. Positive people are destined to succeed. It is mainly because they like what they do. And what they like to do often. And when a person does something often, he constantly improves on it. Of course, he is happy about his improvement. And so it goes around. Optimists are focused on achieving the goal and finding solutions. They treat the problems constructively and realistically. Positive thinking means the discovery of a...

Types of Educational Styles: What parent are you?

Types of Educational Styles: What parent are you? Types of Educational Styles What parent are you We know that in each family we can meet different educational approaches. These can also be mixed or combined in various ways. Internationally recognized psychiatrist  and educational expert also write about several types of educational styles in their book Parenting with Reason and Love. Perhaps after reading the following lines, you will be able to join one of them and perhaps change your educational effect, because you will discover something that will suit you better. 1. Helicopter parents Who are helicopter parents? They are the parents of the millennium children who are overdoing it with care. They float over children like helicopters and follow their every step. Helicopter parents take an anxious responsibility for their children's lives, their successes and failures. Often, this care is transmitted until the child's adulthood. This is particularly the case w...

How to cultivate thinking in English? Teach you 6 steps to train from now!

How to cultivate thinking in English? Teach you 6 steps to train from now! How to cultivate thinking in English Teach you 6 steps to train from now! Do you have important things to make a decision? Try not to think in your native language, but to think in English! Studies have pointed out that thinking in English will help you make better and more reasonable decisions. Thinking in English not only helps you make better decisions, it also helps you learn the language faster, and speaks out loud and easily. If you "speak" English in your mind, it will be easier to say it with your mouth. So you know how to start thinking in English? It is absolutely useless to hand over a textbook to you! We will share six simple steps to help your brain easily switch to English. The importance of thinking in English Depending on your level of English, now you are the first to think about what you want to say in your native language and then translate them into English. B...

The Importance of Using Learning Technologies

The Importance of Using Learning Technologies The Importance of Using Learning Technologies Today's world's new approaches to development require the education system to adapt to daily economic, social, and cultural changes. The world today is in the creation of "knowledge society" and "knowledge economy". This idea needs to reform the entire education system and modernize it. Key instruments of language teaching, learning, language development, curriculum, curriculum and teacher's skill, skill, novelty. To learn the language, it is necessary to know the peculiarities, attentions, thinking and perception of students. Language facts - the main form of teaching English language . The language of speech reflects the truth through language. Everything in life, everything in the environment is recognized in the language. There is a lot of work to be done by the teachers in providing the students with a solid and strong language from the Kazakh lan...

Problems of information culture of students

Problems of information culture of students Problems of information culture of students One of the main goals of the 21st century is to create an education system, which not only educates a person, but also takes care of his health. It is known that modern human health is not only dependent on the effects of the environment, but also in relation to its physical fitness. Formation of the last approach is one of the main conditions for the well-being of the society. In the middle of the 20th century, well-known scientist VG Glushkov wrote: "The development of computerized networks through the terminal networks in technically advanced countries in the beginning of the next century, much of the information, especially scientific, technical, economic, political and social data, is stored in the memory of the computer. As a result, a person who can not use such information at the beginning of the 21st century will be like a person who can not read or write in the early 20...

Importance of English Language

Importance of English Language   Importance of English Language Modern English is demanding. English is the first universal universal language. Socio-economic changes in the history of the country, new trends in education are intensively demanding continuous improvement of English language teaching, fulfillment of scientific and methodological level of teaching. In this regard, English is one of the three pillars of the language - its use in diverse forms of public life, the socio-economic understanding of the great nation and ethnic groups - the English language, which has an international character, has its own role. English is an international language. It is the most widely used language in the world and the most widely used language after Chinese. English is one of the six languages ​​of the United Nations. English is the most widely used language in the world. West-Germanic languages ​​of Indian languages. A. t. structure is fictitious. It is the state langu...

Poly cystic ovary syndrome: The role of diet

Poly cystic ovary syndrome: The role of diet Poly cystic ovary syndrome The role of diet How diet can help women suffering from poly cystic ovary syndrome. What to eat to relieve symptoms? Poly cystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common hormonal disorders that women of reproductive age present and includes a wide range of symptoms, ranging from cycle disorders, increased hair growth, acne and infertility to insulin resistance and central insulin resistance . What role does weight play? See also: Time switch - When we turn the clock pointers Today we know that obesity plays a huge role in the development of poly cystic ovary syndrome. About half of women who meet the criteria for inclusion in the syndrome have a high concentration of fat in the abdomen, the so-called male-type obesity. It is therefore easily understood that weight loss is a prerequisite, often resulting in ovulation recovery and period normalization. It should be emphasized that, contrary to what m...